Sotfs Does Crt Dmg Increase With Ng

Is there any way to extend the time in tchydro, cpgravelpit, cpdustbowl, cpwell, cpgranary, cpbadlands, and plgoldrush? Like in CTF2fort and CTFwell you can just do mptimelimit 999 and the game will not end until a team wins or until the time hits 0 (999 minutes is a long time).

Maltego Local Transforms for


  • You need to have requests and BeautifulSoup installed. Which can be done through pip install requests and pip install beautifulsoup


  • Grab the .mtz file I have hosted on my github, here.
  • Import this .mtz file into Maltego, by going to the top-left icon, then Import, then Import Configuration.
  • Grab the Python code from my Github for the transforms. You'll grab and from this repo.
  • Put and into a folder called crtsh
  • Move the crtsh folder to /opt/MaltegoYou'll most likely need to create this folder first
Sotfs does crt dmg increase with ng mean

Using this Transform

Sotfs does crt dmg increase with ng 1

Once you import the transform, you'll add a new Website entity to the graph, and enter the domain as the entity name (i.e. The transform will search for any other hosts that have certificates under your domain name (i.e.,, etc.)

Sample Results


Sotfs Does Crt Dmg Increase With Ng 1

That should be all you need to get going, if you run into any issues or have bug reports/issues, please shoot them to me at, or on twitter @brian_warehime, or file an issue in Github.

Sotfs Does Crt Dmg Increase With Ng Stand
